Mechanical Engineering Department was started in the Year 1998. The department offers one UG program in Mechanical Engineering and one PG program in Manufacturing Engineering. The department is lead by a team of learned and dedicated faculties and has one of the best laboratory facilities in the college.
Department of Mechanical Engineering

To produce skilled, innovative and competent Mechanical Engineers with lifelong learning ability by providing Industry and research oriented education to give solutions to societal needs.
- To raise competent engineers by providing industry and research oriented education with diverse career options.
- To mould young engineers to emerge as smart professionals who will contribute to the development of the society and country.
- To achieve international standards through “Make in India” industrial policy in the development of products and patents.

Name : Dr. S Rajesh Kana
Designation : Dean Academics & HOD
Qualification : B.E, M.E, P.hD
Experience : 28 years
email :
Specilisation : Thermal Engineering

Name : Dr. J. Joshua Gnana Sekaran
Designation : Professor & Vice Principal
Qualification : B.E, M.S, P.hD
Experience : 33 years
email :
Specilisation : Production Engineering

Name : Dr. G. Dhanraj
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E., M.Tech., P.hD.,
Experience : 25 years
email :
Specilisation : Thermal Engineering

Name : Dr. A. Faizur Rahman
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E, P.hD
Experience : 13 years
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Specilisation : Polymer Composites

Name : Mr. R. Pradab
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 15 years
email :
Specilisation : Manufacturing Engineering

Name : Dr. B S Manoj Prabhakar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E., P.hD
Experience : 13 years
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Specilisation : Engineering Design

Name : Mr. R. Senthil Kumar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 12 years
email :
Specilisation : Manufacturing Engineering

Name : Dr. N. Sivakumar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E, (P.hD)
Experience : 12 years
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Specilisation : Welding Technology

Name : Mr. J. K. Narayanan
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 11 years
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Specilisation : Lean Manufacturing

Name : Mr. R. Santhosh
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 11 years
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Specilisation : Engineering Design

Name : Mr. V. Boobesh Nathan
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E,(Ph.D)
Experience : 10 years
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Specilisation : Metal Matrix Composites

Name : Mr. E. Vinoth
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 9 years
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Specilisation : CAD

Name : Mr. D. Nijesh
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 9 years
email :
Specilisation : CAD/CAM

Name : Mr. S. Rajesh Jaipaul
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 10 years
email :
Specilisation : CAD/CAM

Name : Mr. S. Benjamin Devadass
Designation : Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.E, M.E
Experience : 5 years
email :
Specilisation : CAD/CAM
Mechanical Engineering Supporting Staff

Name : M. Sudhakar
Designation: Lab Assistant

Name : K. Prabhuraj
Designation : Lab Assistant

Name : S. Leo Charles
Designation : Lab Assistant

Name : M. Johnson Victor
Designation : Lab Assistant

Name : S. M. P Kumar
Designation : Lab Assistant
Special Machines Laboratory

The Special Machines Laboratory houses a range of Special machines including Industry standard CNC Machining Centre, Capstan and Turret Lathes, Gear Hobbing Machine, Universal Milling Machine, Surface, Centre and Centreless Grinding Machines and Radial Drilling Machine. Students are provided with hands on training in all these Industry standard machines. In addition Job work is undertaken to cater to the needs of Industries nearby. This lab is also used for Research and Project works undertaken by both UG and PG students.
Faculty In Charge: Prof. S Rajesh Jaipaul
Supporting Staff: Mr. Sevanan
Thermal Engineering Laboratory

The Thermal Engineering Lab houses both Heat Power Engineering and Heat Transfer laboratories. The Heat Power Engineering lab consists of various single and multi cylinder IC engines coupled with different dynamometers for conducting performance tests. The Heat Transfer lab has test rigs for determining the various parameters for Conduction, Convection and Radiation. This lab also equips a wind tunnel for carrying out experiments to determine lift and drag coefficients.
Faculty In Charge: Mr. V Boobesh Nathan
Supporting Staff: Mr. Johnson Victor
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory

The Fluid Mechanics and Machinery lab houses various hydraulic machines such as Pelton, Francis and Kaplan Turbines and Pumps like centrifugal and positive displacement pumps. This lab is equipped with test rig to conduct various experiments to determine parameters relating to fluid mechanics.
Faculty In Charge: Mr. V Boobesh Nathan
Supporting Staff: Mr. Johnson Victor
Lathe Shop

Our Lathe shop houses the best and Industry standard (HMT and Panther) Lathe machines. The lathe shop not only caters to the need of the students according to their curriculum, but also severs the need of the Industries nearby by undertaking job orders from them. Most of the College and Hostel maintenance work is done in this lab.
Faculty In Charge: Mr. S Rajesh Jaipaul
Supporting Staff: Mr. Prabhu Raj
Metrology and Measurements Laboratory

The Special Machines Laboratory houses a range of Special machines including Industry standard CNC Machining Centre, Capstan and Turret Lathes, Gear Hobbing Machine, Universal Milling Machine, Surface, Centre and Centreless Grinding Machines and Radial Drilling Machine. Students are provided with hands on training in all these Industry standard machines. In addition Job work is undertaken to cater to the needs of Industries nearby. This lab is also used for Research and Project works undertaken by both UG and PG students.
Faculty In Charge: Dr. B S Manoj Prabhakar
Supporting Staff: Mr. Leo Charles
CAD/CAM Laboratory

The Special Machines Laboratory houses a range of Special machines including Industry standard CNC Machining Centre, Capstan and Turret Lathes, Gear Hobbing Machine, Universal Milling Machine, Surface, Centre and Centreless Grinding Machines and Radial Drilling Machine. Students are provided with hands on training in all these Industry standard machines. In addition Job work is undertaken to cater to the needs of Industries nearby. This lab is also used for Research and Project works undertaken by both UG and PG students.
Faculty In Charge: Mr. D Nijesh
Supporting Staff: Mr. Sevanan
Mechatronics Laboratory

The Special Machines Laboratory houses a range of Special machines including Industry standard CNC Machining Centre, Capstan and Turret Lathes, Gear Hobbing Machine, Universal Milling Machine, Surface, Centre and Centreless Grinding Machines and Radial Drilling Machine. Students are provided with hands on training in all these Industry standard machines. In addition Job work is undertaken to cater to the needs of Industries nearby. This lab is also used for Research and Project works undertaken by both UG and PG students.
Faculty In Charge: Mr. J K Narayanan
Supporting Staff: Mr. Sevanan